It's me. The Rifleman. But my real name is Scott Thompson. I'm a stand up comic by trade. In fact, you probably know me by my stage name - Carrot Top.
Yes, it's true. Traveling around this great country of ours on the Curls Gone Wild tour, I meet a lot of interesting people and see a lot of strange things. Especially in this politically charged year. My time in the tour bus gives me time to reflect on what I see, and sometimes I just want to say it. But I have to be honest, a box of homemade props isn't exactly the best venue for political commentary. Especially when half the audience is made up of drunk, heckling fratboys interested only in discovering how you "got huge."
Likewise, I couldn't give this blog the name Carrot Top's Wide World of Political Commentary either. I'd like people to take it seriously, and only laugh when I want them to. So I took the name The Rifleman because I thought it sounded cool and catchy (I have a degree in marketing).
But I must have been wrong. Very few people view this site, and only a handful of comments have been posted since I launched the blog four months ago. So I thought, hey, what the hell? I'll tell 'em who I am...and maybe, just maybe, my legion of fans will like seeing another side of their favorite flame-haired yuckster. What can I say, I'm a publicity whore!
So, here I am folks!

Stay tuned, I may even tell ya how I "got huge."
Take Aim. Shoot Straight.
Hey good comment dc! Really astute. Your socio-political commentary is astonishing!
As for you Rifleman. You got your wish. You got a comment.
i'll take this revelation under advisement - and the date...
Man, I'm a tried 'n true professional sniper and even I can see through this one. You ain't Carrot Top, believe me.
Thanks Irish...
And though it was painfully obvious to the rest of you from the start, I think I'm bound by the greater laws of the universe to say it:
"April Fools'!"
carrottop is pretty buff these days. i like his comedy he is often put down but i find his humpr unique. also one of the nicest guys in hllywood. :) ;)
^this guy's a regular fk'n brain-trust...
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